
Repository of DevOps (RUS) chats in Telegram

DevOps Chats

Repository for information about DevOps and other friendly chats in Telegram. Our main chats:

  • DevOps - chat for technical themes\treds
  • DevOps Jobs - chat for themes\treds about job opportunities


Repository structure

devops_chats/               #   Root directory
├─ devops                   #   Folder for DevOps chats
|    ├─ certification.md    #   Useful information about certifications
|    ├─ middle.md           #   Useful information for middle SRE
|    ├─ starter.md          #   Useful information for junior SRE
├─ courses                  #   Folder for courses
|    ├─ courses.md          #   Readme file for courses
|    ├─ devops              #   Folder for shared courses for all
|    |   ├─ free.md         #   List of free courses
|    |   ├─ price.md        #   List of courses with price
├─ events.md                #   List of events
├─ Friendly_chats.md        #   List of friendly chats
├─ README.md                #   Readme file
├─ ad.md                    #   Advertising rules
├─ vacancy.md               #   Job opportunity and CV publish rules
├─ CoC.md                   #   Code ond conduct
├─ hrman.md                 #   Manual for HRs for helping them find and hire people
├─ relocate.md              #   List of relocate chats in telegram