C++ Vector Math Library for games, useful for physics, AI. Can be used in mobile phone games, its simple to use and fast!
- Vectors at any static sizes, 2D, 3D, 4D, 9D
- Matrix4 useful for 3D worlds, OpenGL matrix layout
- Quaternions
- Fuzzy logic stuff
- Mini and fast NNet
How to build & run tests:
cmake . && make
Basic Vector usage
Vector4f vec4; // vector dimeonsion 4 of floats
Vector3d vec3; // vector dimension 3 of doubles
vec4.x() = 1;
vec4.y() = 2;
vec4[2] = 3;
vec4.w() = 4;
vec3[0] = 1;
vec3[1] = 2;
// access at index at compile time
vec3.at_c<2>() = 3;
Vector4d v4_cpy(vec4);
vec4 += v4_cpy;
assert( vec4 == Vector4f(2, 4, 6, 8) );
vec4 -= Vector4i(v4_cpy);
assert( vec4 == Vector4f(1, 2, 3, 4) );
Vector<float, 100> feature_vector;
std::generate(feature_vector.begin(), feature_vector.end(), std::rand);
assert( is_near(feature_vector.magnitude(), 1.f) );