Created by: eanmos
I've managed to reproduce the bug. When the green screen appears the following message is seen in log:
intro_start intro_game
Invalid video stream: 0x500
This leads to file xrRenderGL/glSH_Texture.cpp
GLenum err = glGetError();
if (err != GL_NO_ERROR)
Msg("Invalid video stream: 0x%x", err);
pSurface = 0;
However the actual errors appears a few lines above:
After this function call the OpenGL errors queue contains an 0x500
error. If we check what is happening in the end of this function:
void CTexture::Preload()
m_bumpmap = RImplementation.Resources->m_textures_description.GetBumpName(cName);
m_material = RImplementation.Resources->m_textures_description.GetMaterial(cName);
if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR)
Msg("Warning: can't preload texture %s", cName.c_str());
we will get
Warning: can't preload texture water\water_flowing_nmap
So, I guess this texture is just broken.
This check actually fixes the bug because it clears the OpenGL errors queue and the following code could work correctly.