Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates. From git logs to change logs.
Отличия форка
- Основан на git-changelog:2.3.0
Изменение поведения опции bump по-умолчанию и новый параметр
Предпосылки: Когда у вас текущая версия 0.x.x, а новые коммиты содержат флаг глобальных изменений, то при использовании
git-changelog --bump=auto
у вас вместо мажорной версии в списке изменений обновится минорная. Для перехода с 0.x.x на 1.0.0 приходится вручную использоватьgit-changelog --bump 1.0.0
. Вgit-changelog
нет опции настроить поведение автоматического поднятия версий 0.x.x релизов. -
Решение в форке: По-умолчанию мажорная версия обновляется всегда при наличии глобальных изменений, даже если у вас релиз 0.x.x. Добавлен параметр
по примеру утилиты commitizen, позволяющий вернуть изначальное поведение.
Предпосылки: Когда у вас текущая версия 0.x.x, а новые коммиты содержат флаг глобальных изменений, то при использовании
Кастомизация типов соглашений
- Предпосылки: Невозможно добавить свои типы для парсинга коммитов, невозможно переопределить существующие (например, для русификации секций в списке изменений).
- Решение в форке: Добавлена возможность через конфигурационные файлы настроить свой массив типов. При использовании кастомизированных типов есть возможность переопределить какие из представленных типов будут флагом для обновления минорной версии.
В случае использования origin вида
, ваши данныеuser:token
не попадут в URL. -
Документация и тесты обновлены в соответствии со внесенными изменениями, более подробные примеры использования можно увидеть в docs/
Jinja2 templates! You get full control over the rendering. Built-in Keep a Changelog and Angular templates (also see Conventional Changelog).
Commit styles/conventions parsing. Built-in Angular, Conventional Commit and basic conventions.
Git service/provider agnostic, plus references parsing (issues, commits, etc.). Built-in GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket support.
Understands Semantic Versioning: major/minor/patch for versions and commits. Guesses next version based on last commits.
Parses Git trailers, allowing to reference issues, PRs, etc., in your commit messages in a clean, provider-agnostic way.
- Plugin architecture, to support more commit conventions and git services.
- Template context injection, to furthermore customize how your changelog will be rendered.
- Easy access to "Breaking Changes" in the templates.
- Commits/dates/versions range limitation ability.
With pip
pip install git-changelog
With pipx
python3.8 -m pip install --user pipx
pipx install git-changelog
Usage (command-line)
usage: git-changelog [-b] [-h] [-i] [-g VERSION_REGEX] [-m MARKER_LINE]
[-o OUTPUT] [-r] [-R] [-I INPUT]
[-c {angular,conventional,basic}] [-s SECTIONS]
[-t {angular,keepachangelog}] [-T] [-E] [-v]
Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates.
This tool parses your commit messages to extract useful data
that is then rendered using Jinja2 templates, for example to
a changelog file formatted in Markdown.
Each Git tag will be treated as a version of your project.
Each version contains a set of commits, and will be an entry
in your changelog. Commits in each version will be grouped
by sections, depending on the commit convention you follow.
Default sections:
- add: Added
- fix: Fixed
- change: Changed
- remove: Removed
Additional sections:
- merge: Merged
- doc: Documented
Default sections:
- feat: Features
- fix: Bug Fixes
- revert: Reverts
- ref, refactor: Code Refactoring
- perf: Performance Improvements
Additional sections:
- build: Build
- chore: Chore
- ci: Continuous Integration
- deps: Dependencies
- doc, docs: Docs
- style: Style
- test, tests: Tests
Default sections:
- feat: Features
- fix: Bug Fixes
- revert: Reverts
- ref, refactor: Code Refactoring
- perf: Performance Improvements
Additional sections:
- build: Build
- chore: Chore
- ci: Continuous Integration
- deps: Dependencies
- doc, docs: Docs
- style: Style
- test, tests: Tests
positional arguments:
REPOSITORY The repository path, relative or absolute. Default: .
-b, --bump-latest Deprecated, use --bump=auto instead.
Guess the new latest version by bumping the previous
one based on the set of unreleased commits. For
example, if a commit contains breaking changes, bump
the major number (or the minor number for 0.x
versions). Else if there are new features, bump the
minor number. Else just bump the patch number.
Default: False.
--bump VERSION Specify the bump from latest version for the set
of unreleased commits. Can be one of 'auto',
'major', 'minor', 'patch' or a valid semver version
(eg. 1.2.3). With 'auto', if a commit contains breaking
changes, bump the major number, else if there are new features,
bump the minor number, else just bump the patch number.
Default: None.
--major-version-zero When true, breaking changes on a 0.x will remain as a 0.x version.
On false, a breaking change will bump a 0.x version to 1.0.
major-version-zero. Default: unset (false).
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --in-place Insert new entries (versions missing from changelog)
in-place. An output file must be specified. With
custom templates, you can pass two additional
arguments: --version-regex and --marker-line. When
writing in-place, an 'in_place' variable will be
injected in the Jinja context, allowing to adapt the
generated contents (for example to skip changelog
headers or footers). Default: False.
-g, --version-regex VERSION_REGEX
A regular expression to match versions in the existing
changelog (used to find the latest release) when
writing in-place. The regular expression must be a
Python regex with a 'version' named group. Default:
^## \[(?P<version>v?[^\]]+).
-m, --marker-line MARKER_LINE
A marker line at which to insert new entries (versions
missing from changelog). If two marker lines are
present in the changelog, the contents between those
two lines will be overwritten (useful to update an
'Unreleased' entry for example). Default:
<!-- insertion marker -->.
-o, --output OUTPUT Output to given file. Default: stdout.
-p {github,gitlab}, --provider {github,gitlab}
Explicitly specify the repository provider.
-r, --parse-refs Parse provider-specific references in commit messages
(GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket issues, PRs, etc.). Default: False.
-R, --release-notes Output release notes to stdout based on the last entry
in the changelog. Default: False.
-I, --input INPUT Read from given file when creating release notes.
-c, --style, --commit-style, --convention {angular,conventional,basic}
The commit convention to match against. Default:
-s, --sections SECTIONS
A comma-separated list of sections to render. See the
available sections for each supported convention in
the description. Default: None.
-t {angular,keepachangelog}, --template {angular,keepachangelog}
The Jinja2 template to use. Prefix with "path:" to
specify the path to a directory containing a file
named "". Default: keepachangelog.
-T, --trailers, --git-trailers
Parse Git trailers in the commit message. See
Default: False.
-E, --omit-empty-versions
Omit empty versions in the output. Default: False.
-v, --version Show the current version of the program and exit.