
Категория проекта: Ожидает модерации
Blender plugin for DGLEngine modeles import

BlenderDMD: Blender plugin for DGLEngine models import and export

This plugin provide import of geometry and UV-map from *.dmd models file. This format uses by DGLEngine 3D game engine. DGLEngine uses in some games, such as ZDSimulator and other.

Caution! DMD-models not consist path for texture file. After import, you must load texture file in blender manualy!

Also, you can create models for ZDSimulator in Blender and export it in DMD-format

Caution! Before insertion texture in ZDSimulator, you must flip it vertical in any image editor (such as Paint in Windows or other). It is temporary problem, but I'll solve it in future time.