Коммит 58914601 создал по автору Joyce Er's avatar Joyce Er
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feat: enable context menu for references list

владелец e90a17d4
Branches недоступно
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Отображение с 34 дополнений и 5 удаления
+34 -5
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import { basenameOrAuthority, isEqualAuthority } from '../../../../../base/commo
import { ThemeIcon } from '../../../../../base/common/themables.js';
import { URI } from '../../../../../base/common/uri.js';
import { localize } from '../../../../../nls.js';
import { IClipboardService } from '../../../../../platform/clipboard/common/clipboardService.js';
import { IContextMenuService } from '../../../../../platform/contextview/browser/contextView.js';
import { FileKind } from '../../../../../platform/files/common/files.js';
import { IInstantiationService } from '../../../../../platform/instantiation/common/instantiation.js';
import { WorkbenchList } from '../../../../../platform/list/browser/listService.js';
......@@ -23,14 +25,14 @@ import { IProductService } from '../../../../../platform/product/common/productS
import { IThemeService } from '../../../../../platform/theme/common/themeService.js';
import { IResourceLabel, ResourceLabels } from '../../../../browser/labels.js';
import { ColorScheme } from '../../../../browser/web.api.js';
import { ChatTreeItem } from '../chat.js';
import { IDisposableReference, ResourcePool } from './chatCollections.js';
import { IChatContentPart } from './chatContentParts.js';
import { SETTINGS_AUTHORITY } from '../../../../services/preferences/common/preferences.js';
import { createFileIconThemableTreeContainerScope } from '../../../files/browser/views/explorerView.js';
import { ChatResponseReferencePartStatusKind, IChatContentReference, IChatWarningMessage } from '../../common/chatService.js';
import { IChatVariablesService } from '../../common/chatVariables.js';
import { IChatRendererContent, IChatResponseViewModel } from '../../common/chatViewModel.js';
import { createFileIconThemableTreeContainerScope } from '../../../files/browser/views/explorerView.js';
import { SETTINGS_AUTHORITY } from '../../../../services/preferences/common/preferences.js';
import { ChatTreeItem } from '../chat.js';
import { IDisposableReference, ResourcePool } from './chatCollections.js';
import { IChatContentPart } from './chatContentParts.js';
const $ = dom.$;
......@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ export class ChatCollapsibleListContentPart extends Disposable implements IChatC
element: IChatResponseViewModel,
contentReferencesListPool: CollapsibleListPool,
@IOpenerService openerService: IOpenerService,
@IContextMenuService private readonly contextMenuService: IContextMenuService,
@IClipboardService private readonly clipboardService: IClipboardService,
) {
......@@ -114,6 +118,31 @@ export class ChatCollapsibleListContentPart extends Disposable implements IChatC
this._register(list.onContextMenu((e) => {
if (e.element && 'reference' in e.element && typeof e.element.reference === 'object') {
const uriOrLocation = 'variableName' in e.element.reference ? e.element.reference.value : e.element.reference;
const uri = URI.isUri(uriOrLocation) ? uriOrLocation :
if (uri) {
getAnchor: () => e.anchor,
getActions: () => {
return [{
id: '',
title: localize('copyReference', "Copy"),
label: localize('copyReference', "Copy"),
tooltip: localize('copyReference', "Copy"),
enabled: e.element?.kind === 'reference',
class: undefined,
run: () => {
void this.clipboardService.writeResources([uri]);
const maxItemsShown = 6;
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