
A test project with a details form implemented with React and Vue as an standalone script

Test project

This is a test project to get a job in a company. A task is located in TASK.md.


I implemented here a form from task with Vue and React on the same page. Besides that I used here a MVP pattern from my repo vue-mvp-architecture.


  • Vue and React in single page

  • UnoCSS with configured @apply directive for styling custom elements and classes


      <t-display-card class="user-card"> ... </t-display-card>
    t-display-card {
      @apply: mx-lg py-lg;
    .user-card {
      @apply bg-red;
  • Pattern Model View Presenter (MVP) (like there)


    // file:./src/modules/users/pages/IndexPage.vue
    // import createRefStore from "../store/createRefStore";
    import { createVuexStore } from "../store/createVuexStore";
    // const store = createRefStore();
    const store = createVuexStore();
    // a presenter can use any store implementation
    // based on the interface CommonStore
    const presenter = createPresenter(store);
    // file:[somewhere]
    // on a user action change state (ref, vuex, pinia) by calling a presenter method
    const presenter = usePresenter();
      name: searchVal,
      username: searchVal,
    // file:[somewhere]
    // render a changed state in a view
    const presenter = usePresenter();
    const userPreviews = computed(() => presenter.state.userPreviews);
        v-for="user in userPreviews"
  • A project folder structure like for a big project