flowchart specs |
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All Flowcharts are composed of nodes, the geometric shapes and edges, the arrows or lines. The mermaid code defines the way that these nodes and edges are made and interact.
To create flowchart call static `Create` method as follows:
var chart = FlowChart.Create(Orientation.TopToBottom);
var cat = chart.TextNode("Cat", Shape.Circle);
var dog = chart.TextNode("Dog", Shape.Trapezoid);
chart.Link(cat, dog, Link.Open, "hates");
string mermaidSyntax = chart.Render();
## Defining nodes
Flowchart only support text nodes. To create a text node call `TextNode` method and pass a title (optional) and node shape type
var cat = chart.TextNode("Cat", Shape.Circle);
var dog = chart.TextNode("Dog", Shape.Trapezoid);
## Creating subgraphs
To create a subgraph call `SubGraph` method of chart with specific title (optional) and orientation
var house = chart.SubGraph("House", Orientation.TopToBottom);
Subgraphs also have methods to create inner subgraphs, nodes, etc.
var kitchen = house.TextNode("Kitchen", Shape.RoundEdges);
var bedroom = house.TextNode("Bedroom", Shape.RoundEdges);
## Linking
To link nodes or subgraphs use `Link` method of chart or subgraphs with link members, link style and text (optional)
chart.Link(cat, kitchen, Link.Open, "prefers");
chart.Link(dog, bedroom, Link.Cross, "not allowed");
## Interaction
Supported interactions:
1. Call function on click
2. Make function call on click
3. Set hyperlink for nodes
### Call function on click
To call function on node click use `OnClick` method of `chart.Interaction` property
Example: show cat node id to user
chart.Interaction.OnClick(cat, "alert", "my tooltip");
### Make function call on click
To make custom function call on click use `OnClickCall` method of `chart.Interation` property
Example: say "meow" to user when clicking cat node
chart.Interaction.OnClickCall(cat, "alert(\"meow\")", "tooltip");
### Set hyperlink for nodes
To add hyperlink to a node use `Hyperlink` method of `chart.Interaction` property
Example: open GitHub in new tab when clicking cat node
chart.Interaction.Hyperlink(cat, new Uri("https://github.com"), "tooltip", HyperlinkTarget.Blank);
## Styling
Supported styling:
1. Define default node style
2. Define and set specific CSS class to a node
3. Set node style with CSS
### Define default node style
To define default node style use `DefaultStyle` property of `chart.Styling` property
chart.Styling.DefaultStyle = "color:pink,background-color:black";
### Set css class to a node
To define and set specific CSS class for specific node use `AddClass`/`SetClass` methods of `chart.Styling` property
var myClass = chart.Styling.AddClass("color:#bff");
chart.Styling.SetClass(kitchen, myClass);
### Set node style with CSS
To set node style with css use `Set` method of `chart.Styling` property
chart.Styling.Set(cat, "fill: #bff");
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