Проект Pages-Middle

Категория проекта: Ожидает модерации

Middleman Template for GitLab Pages

How to publish the website

  1. Edit the data/config.yml file and update the repository URL by replacing <username> with your GitLab username and <project-name> with the name of the project you've created. Example: http://gitlab.com/john/blog.
  2. Edit the GitLab CI configuration file and update the variable, a11y_urls by replacing <username> with your GitLab username and <project-name> with the name of the project you've created. Example: https://john.gitlab.io/blog.
  3. Commit and push the change to the repository.
  4. In GitLab, visit the CI / CD -> Pipelines page for your project (accessible from the left-hand menu).
  5. Click on the Run pipeline button, if there are no active pipelines running after pushing up your change.
  6. Once the the pipeline has successfully finished, open the following URL in your browser: https://<username>.gitlab.io/<project-name>. Note that it might take 10-15 minutes before the website becomes available after the first successful pipeline has finished.

Local development

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Download dependencies: bundle install. If you see an error that bundler is missing, then try to run gem install bundler.
  3. Run the project: bundle exec middleman.
  4. Open http://localhost:4567 in your browser.

Useful information

GitLab Pages default domain names

Learning Middleman